Tuesday, August 13, 2013


mash up

v. To take elements of two or more pre-existing pieces of music and combine them to make a new song.
n. A song comprised of elements of two or more pre-existing pieces of music.

I am not too sure what I am going to write in this blog but I am going to write. Just like the way I haven't known most of the time what to talk but did that stop me from talking...naah:-) After eight years of slogging like a slave in a corporate life and giving a constant excuse that I don't have time to write a blog post regularly...now I have time enough time to make my husband insane. Off course why would't he bear the brunt...tell me who told him to believe me when once in throes of new love I had told him that I am ready to live anywhere with him even Somalia. So since marrying him late last year and despite moving to US- he has been trying his best to replicate Somalia-like conditions for me.

Interestingly now that I have no excuse for not maintaining a blog...I am coming back into the blog world with a new identity. After all I am no longer the person "translucent destiny" was...

So this is going to be a mash-up blog which would have bit of everything...irreverence(borrowed from my husband), bad fashion advices, stupid stuff I do with commendable regularity(believe me I have guinmess world record potential here) and some stuff which I cant't stop myself from voicing about.

So all those who would read and follow(specially if you know me in person)...please accept my apologies in advance. I am going to write my version of things, occurrences here(right or wrong) and if you don't like then you are most welcome to start your own blog and by the way don't forget to link my blog because any publicity good or bad would be awesome.

Till next time...take care;-)

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